Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thankful Sunday--September 2, 2012

I am thankful for this fan than quietly blows while I sleep at night.

And now I'm thankful that it's clean. I didn't realize how dusty it was until I took a picture of it.                     (This is the after picture.)


  1. That is one clean fan!

    Okay, this is completely off-topic but I was reading your "who am I" page and it said you have worked as a professional scientist, a stay-at-home mom and now work in a library. I'm wondering which one you have enjoyed the most. I hope that's not too personal :)

    I'm asking because I am a PhD student at the moment and am wondering what to do with myself when I finish.

  2. That's good - two thankfuls for the price of one! Definitely no need of fans at night over here. I always try to create the illusion that I live in a dust-free, clutter-free home when I take pictures for my blog! I expect I'll catch myself out one day, if I haven't already :-)

  3. They do tend to get pretty dusty. We finally installed a ceiling fan this summer in master bedroom.

    1. We don't have a ceiling fan in our bedroom in this house, but we have had them before. They are really nice. Maybe we should think about that again.

  4. Any tips on cleaning your fan? With allergies, a dusty fan is death. I'll sometimes do without a fan at night, simply because I don't want the hassle of cleaning it (and then suffer all night long, and promise myself to clean it thoroughly the next day).

    I'm thankful that we won't be needing fans until next summer, and we have a month now until we'll need a furnace.

  5. We have a lot of allergies in this house also, so we should clean the fans more often than we do. The front of our fan comes off easily, so cleaning it is no problem. However, with bigger fans, the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner works pretty well. I also do okay with a swipe or two with a microfiber cleaning cloth in between cleanings.

  6. It looks great! I love the look of our fans after I've cleaned them. They can get so dirty.

    1. Belinda,
      They really do collect the dust, but it seems to sneak up on me. Maybe that's why cleaning on a schedule is a good idea. It sounds like you may keep up with things a little better than I do.

  7. I am also thankful for our fan. And will be even more thankful when it's a nice, cool Fall temperature and I won't need it at all!


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