Friday, May 18, 2012

Food Waste Friday--May 18, 2012

It's time for Food Waste Friday, when the Frugalgirl encourages us to post pictures from the previous week of wasted food from our household. This accountability hopefully will help us to be more careful with our food and maybe save some money. 

Here it goes for this week.

Cilantro past its prime.

I should have known. When I looked up the definition for cilantro, here's what I found:

  cilantro  (sɪˈlæntrəʊ): an herb, also called coriander, that is sold in big bunches and rots rapidly.  :)

No wonder that cilantro is a common occurrence on my Food Waste Friday posts. However, this time, I used more than usual before it started to turn to slime.


  1. Oh! I thought that my picture would be beside that definition C:

  2. I never seem to be able to eat all of the cilantro before it goes bad. Maybe, because I'm the only one in the family who eats it...

  3. Wow if that is all that went to waste, you did good! I use parsley to make tabouleh, but it is similar to cilantro. I also use cilantro for homemade salsa.

  4. I have some cilantro tips. It will last longer if you trim the ends then put it in water like you would flowers, then store it in the fridge. I've had it last over a week that way. Also, you can wash it, then trip the leaves and lay it out on waxed paper and freeze. Once it is frozen put it in a freezer bag. It wont taste as good as fresh but it is still pretty good. You'll have a better result using it in cooked dishes, opposed to something like salsa.

  5. Thanks for the tips. I think I'll put it water next time.


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