Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankful Sunday--Novemeber 11, 2012

I am thankful for our new GPS.

As someone who gets lost very easily, I think the GPS is the greatest invention since sliced bread. I didn't get lost once yesterday when I was driving in new territory.


  1. Well I've never been to the US but it looks like you're driving on the wrong side of the road to me, so no wonder you get lost easily! I like map reading and using my sense of direction and I've often got a Cub Scout sitting in the back of the car who's very handy with a road atlas, but if I'm on my own in a city then the Satnav is very helpful.

    1. So that's my problem. Everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road. :) I like reading a map, probably because I have no sense of direction. Maps give me a good picture of what's going on.

  2. I was fortunate to be born with a good sense of direction. I can't explain to anyone how I get around only that I can picture the area. I used a GPS twice when I was driving with someone who brought it and wanted it on. I thought it was the most annoying thing in the world. Finally the second time I begged to have it turned off when I was taking a shortcut and it kept trying to tell me to turn, thankfully they gave up and turned it off.

    1. My husband is very much like you. He always has a sense of where he's going. He loves to explore and is never lost.

      I find the GPS very useful when I go anywhere new. We especially find it useful when we are on a trip and hit bad traffic or road problems. When we have to get off at an unplanned exit, the GPS helps direct us back to our right route.


What do you think?