Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Second Look--November 7, 2012

Things have been busy around here recently, so I haven't had much time to spend outside. I didn't get out to do a Second Look this week until is was almost dark. And on top of that, I spend most of the daylight I had left, talking with my neighbor about the price of heating oil. So, I didn't get a lot of pictures. But nevertheless, it was interesting to me to see what has survived the frosts and to see which trees are holding onto their leaves.

Here's what I saw this week during a Second Look.
Enough dried leaves are down now that they provide a nice crunch to shuffle through.

This noisy blue jay is among the increased bird activity we have been seeing.

All of the marigolds have finally succumbed to the frost.

Most of the mums are holding up though.

It gets dark now around five o'clock.


  1. I absolutely adore the last picture! So gorgeous!

  2. Wonderful photographs. Fabulous pic taken at the end of the day with the amazing sky.

    1. Seeing that sky was the advantage of going out just before dark. Not planned, but much appreciated.

  3. What sorts of trees do you have? Love the sunset photo too!

    1. Let me see...We have several kinds of maples including silver, red, Japanese, and some others as I only know as maple, a couple of kinds of oak, sweet gum, tulip poplar, locust, dogwood, tree of heaven, yew, pine, spruce, red bud, wild cherry, and walnut. Let's just say that we have a lot of trees. Some of them we want, and some of them we don't. We take down several every year while we try to nurture others. And while trees are beautiful, they require a lot of work that we never seem to quite keep up with.


What do you think?