Saturday, October 27, 2012


As cliche as it sounds, I'm glad to live in a country where I have the right to express my opinions on many issues including who is going to represent me. So today I'm going to vote and I encourage you to do the same when you can.

You may wonder why I'm voting early. I'm going with Theodore who won't be able to make it to the polls on November 6th. However if I'm going to do a full disclosure, here it is. I heard that once you vote, your name will be taken off the call rosters and you won't get any more political calls. I hope it's true. I don't think I can stand another political ad whether it's by phone, mail, sign, or TV.

Note: I have a good example of exercising your right to vote. My mother, who is 82 years old, has never missed voting in an election--local or national. I think that's impressive.


  1. Thanks for the reminder. I've got the ballots and voter's guide on the kitchen table. I sometimes feel like my vote doesn't change anything, but I'm glad to have the opportunity to express my opinions.

    1. I don't know if I always make a difference, but I'd like to think so.

  2. I am SOOOOO with you on the political ads stuff. I've gotta say that living in the swingiest of swing states in this post "citizen's united" era is kinda making me want to open a vein. I've stopped watching the news (I'll watch the podcasts online where there aren't any commercials) and I just don't answer the phone anymore. I even took my name off of various political email lists even though I support the candidates & causes because I just can't take it anymore!

    Having volunteered for campaigns before, I believe it is true that you get taken off the lists once you vote. Hence, I turned in my ballot on Monday (the very first day the drop-off site in my neighborhood opened up.)

    I just want this to be OVER!!

    1. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a swing state. I don't live in a swing state, and it seems as if we have continual ads going. I guess I have to listen to Ward. He says, "Soon enough. Just a few more days and it will be over."


What do you think?