Tuesday, August 14, 2012


or You Can Teach an Old Cat New Tricks

A couple of months ago, I did a post about learning styles using my cats as examples. I discussed how they learned to get kibble out of a cup by using their paw as a tool.   When I say they, I mean that all of them learned how to do it except Lucy. She just couldn't seem to catch on despite years of watching the others.

Well, that all changed this week. Instead of trying to stick her head into the cup for food, Lucy actually put her paw in and drug out a piece.  Hooray! You can teach an old cat new tricks. Or at least an old cat can do something when she decides it's time.


  1. I've seen cats do this with milk, dip their paw in, lick it, dip it in again, etc. I've always thought how very clever of them. They don't get their faces all covered with milk, and they can stand back from a crowded (with other cats) bowl and still get some milk.

    1. Cats are very clever animals. However, everything is on their terms.

      I was so excited when Lucy did this, I had to get the camera and record it. Ward said I was acting like she was my child and had just learned to walk. Maybe I wasn't that excited, but I was surprised and excited to see it.

  2. Very interesting. I wonder what finally changed in her kitty brain to make her try it?


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