Sunday, January 18, 2015

Thankful Sunday--January 18, 2015

I am thankful for time with my husband.

Food critics, celebrities, as well as we normal folk, enjoy the BBQ here.

Ward has been working a lot of long hours recently and most of the time we have been like two ships passing in the night. However yesterday, he took the day off and we spent it together. We resisted the urge to do our list of chores and enjoyed ourselves on a long drive. Since Ward, Mr. Carnivore, was driving we just happened to end up at an out-of-the-way, famous barbeque place. For this and the rest of the day we spent together, I am thankful.


  1. I need to follow your example--skip the chores and do something fun with my husband. I don't remember who said it (and this probably isn't the exact quote)--"Don't let the urgent crowd out the important"--maybe I should tattoo that on my forehead!

    1. I don't think he was the only one, but Steven Covey stressed something like that in his, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". Good luck with following through with the advice. It's something that most of us have to remind ourselves of then and again.

  2. Isn't it a shame that we have to remind ourselves to do something necessary for our mental health and happiness? I imagine we all do though. Is it because we are so engulfed with being told how we are supposed to "make minutes matter" instead or making time for ourselves and each other?

    1. Yes, it is a shame. I think there's also an element of not wanting to look lazy. Some how taking time for yourself and others is considered selfish and non productive. As always, everything in moderation works best.


What do you think?