Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thankful Sunday, June 16, 2013-- Happy Father's Day

I am thankful for the father Ward is to Wally and Theo.

While the examples are endless of why Ward is a good father to Wally and Theo, I am especially thankful for the many hours he spent with them while they were learning to drive (thus sparing me the same duty.) : -)


  1. I was talking with another mom last week about teaching kids to drive and we both had a hard time in the passenger seat with our sons as drivers, in those first few months. Our husbands wound up taking over for both of us. I wonder if this is common in a lot of families, where the fathers just seem more adept, or calmer, at this than the moms?

  2. I did not have the fortitude to teach my boys to drive either. Thank God my husband took care of it.

    1. I was way too jumpy which didn't help them either. I'm really glad that I live in a two parent household.


What do you think?