Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thankful Sunday--September 30, 2012

I am thankful for the fence post and rails that 
are now in a neat pile.

Ward cleaned up our pile of fencing.

When we first moved here, our entire two acres had a split-rail fence around it. A couple of years ago, we decided to remove part of it and save the good pieces for repairs. However our repair pile was basically a mess--just a pile of good and bad pieces thrown on top of each other. Ward organized that pile yesterday by throwing away any rotten pieces and orderly stacking the pieces that were left. Now we're ready to do some repairs.

We removed the fence from the lower part of the yard and saved the good pieces for repairs.

The deer knocked down this part of the fence. We should be able to fix it with a new post from the pile.


  1. You gotta love deer. If they aren't devouring both the food gardens and flowering plants they are tearing up fences. Good thing they are so beautiful.

    1. The deer do make living with them a challenge. Too bad that we like many of the same things although in different ways.

  2. I love the look of a split rail fence. I wish it would work for our yard. The neighbor to one side put up a chain link fence on the property line, to the back of the property is a large wetlands area, to the other side is a creek bed marking the property line. We've talked about doing a small bit of a split rail fence towards the back of the property marking the cultivated part of the yard from the wilder part. Good job to "Ward" on getting the pile cleaned up.

    1. I too love the look of a split rail fence. However, ours was too long to maintain. It took a lot of work to keep the weeds, poison ivy, and volunteer trees out from under it. That's why we took part of it down--we couldn't keep up. And the mess under it was worrying the 90 year old lady next door.


What do you think?